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Sustaining Nature & Gardens with Less Water

Landscape Water Conservation

Our Beliefs


Very little of California’s water is used for home landscaping. Gardens and Gardeners are not the cause of California’s water emergency, nor are they the solution.

We believe healthy, living landscapes are fundamental to our environment and economy.

Very little of California’s water is used for home landscaping. Gardens and Gardeners are not the cause of California’s water emergency, nor are they the solution.

We believe healthy, living landscapes are fundamental to our environment and economy.



Only 7% of California's
water is used for
home landscaping.


Gardens promote healthy environments, habitats and mitigate climate change.


Most lawns are wasteful and should be eliminated.

Artificial turf is not ecologically correct.

Lawn oceans and grassy parkways should
be removed.

We support water budgets, not water restrictions.


Water recapture and recycling is our future.


Native plants save water
and create habitats.


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