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Carpet of Stars: Changing The Face of Curb Appeal
Lawns are a problem for California. A bold accusation, I know, but it’s true. Non-functional lawns are thirstily soaking up...

Blue Plants for a Soothing Landscape
The color of the sky, the color of the ocean—blue is one of the most magnificent colors in nature and...

Water-Wise Winter Vegetable Care
One of the most essential aspects of vegetable plant care is consistent, adequate watering—but this can be difficult when trying...

Water-Wise Plants for Southern California Gardens
Sustaining Nature and Gardens with Less Water Listed below are just a few of the hundreds of Water-Wise plants for...

California Friendly® Garden Design Ideas
Need Inspiration? Below you will find over many local Orange County gardens that are all demonstrating California Friendly elements. We’ve...

California cracks down on water use as it sees its most severe drought ever
article resource: npr Water restrictions began Wednesday for 6 million residents in Southern California, as the state enters its third...

California Friendly® Plants
Choosing Water-Wise California Friendly Plants We have made it easy for you to determine which plants are Water-Wise California Friendly....

Roger's Gardens
Water-Wise Project
Fifteen years ago, Roger’s Gardens was surrounded by lush lawns, lots of them. Times change and so do landscapes. In...

Water-Wise Gardening Tips
Turn off your manual irrigation timer during the winter months From about November through April our local weather patterns...

How To Conserve Landscape Water Right Now
Roger’s Gardens Vision: We believe in beautiful environments that sustain the planet and its people. 1. Reduce or stop watering...

Orange County's Water Recycling Program
Provided by Carl Smith of Governing Website The state is already home to the largest potable water reuse programs in...

Proper Lawn Removal
Provided by Ron Vanderhoff, General Manager of Roger's Gardens The lawn that just won’t die! Surprisingly perhaps, that’s exactly the...

Artificial Lawns: Environmental & Societal Considerations
Provided by The King's Research Portal of King's College London Introduction Lawns are common throughout cities in the Global North,...

Overabundance of Lawns & The Environmental Issues They Cause
Provided by Annie Sneed of Scientific American Cruise through many neighborhoods or parks around the world, and you will find...

Lawn Maintenance & Climate Change
Provided by Jiahn Son of Princeton University Introduction In America, over 40 million acres of land are covered by lawn,...

Perspective on the California Drought & Landscape Water Use
Report Provided by Mr. Donald R. Hodel & Mr. Dennis R. Pittenger of the University of California Cooperative Extension -...