The misunderstood plant. The Dracaena comes in many, many varieties and because they are common people tend to have killed one at least once in their dorm room or spare bathroom.
They are good-looking, structural plants with a lovely ‘quirky’ character and often remarkable variegated greenery resting a top a long misshapen trunk. I love looking for the hidden human or animal silhouette in their structure.
They are often sold as a ‘very easy care’ plant, and in many ways that is true if you give them the right conditions a Dracaena will reward you 10 X your efforts! Easy care does not mean ignore… so here is a tried and true recipe to keeping a Dracaena happy. Care for any of the varieties, sizes, or shapes are essentially the same…
They are not a low-light plant and neither can they take on full sun. They love a goodly moderate amount of filtered light, although they can tolerate low light conditions for a while they will begin to produce very weak and floppy green leaf shoots. Water is minimal with an indoor dracaena, in fact well-drained soil is essential. Never EVER let them sit in H20. Also, dips in temperature are a no no… Keep them above sixty degrees then sit back and watch the results of a well-cared for Dracaena. |