Why Composting is Good for the Environment

Why Composting is Good for the Environment
By Sydney Kaye - Horticulturist
Composting is a great source of nutrition for your plants, but did you know composting is also beneficial for the environment?
Much of our waste that ends up in landfills is organic matter, such as food waste. When this waste decomposes in landfills the greenhouse gas methane is released into the atmosphere. Reducing the amount of organic waste that is sent to landfills is beneficial for the environment because it leads to a reduction of methane that is produced during the breakdown process. In addition, the composting process converts the organic material into a soil stable carbon, which means the process also sequesters carbon. When you compost, food and plant waste is diverted from landfills and transformed into a nutrient rich soil amendment.
There are multiple methods that can be used to compost, or alternatively you can find a compost drop off in your area. You can check with your local waste management services, farmers markets or environmental groups to find a drop off location. If you choose to collect your compost and then drop it off you can easily do so by collecting the scraps and keeping them either in a bin in your kitchen or freezing them.
Compost is a great additive to soil to improve health, microbes and moisture. Healthy soil is important for a thriving garden and environment. Plants do their best in nutrient rich soil and flourishing gardens are a key component to a thriving ecosystem. The process of composting has a great amount of benefits whether you do it at home or collect scraps to drop off. Let's get started today!
Buy All Your Composting Needs From Our Outdoor Garden Store!