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Aussie - 4" Pot

Aussie - 4" Pot

Aussie - 4" Pot


Tools Reccomendations

Tomatoes A Minimum of 4 Tomatoes, Mixed or Matched, per Order

How to get your product

Available In-Store Only
Product Details

The Aussie Tomato is a favorite among gardeners and chefs alike for its impressive size and outstanding flavor. This heirloom variety, known for its indeterminate growth habit, produces large, beefsteak-type fruits that can weigh up to one pound or more. The tomatoes are characterized by their deep red color and smooth, slightly ribbed skin. They are revered for their juicy and meaty texture, combined with a rich, full-bodied tomato flavor that has just the right balance of sweetness and acidity. This makes them exceptional for slicing, caprese salads, sandwiches, or simply enjoying fresh from the vine.

Cultivation of the Aussie Tomato requires some attention, particularly in supporting its vigorous growth and heavy fruit set. The plants typically begin to bear fruit in about 85 to 90 days after planting. They thrive in well-drained soil and full sun, and consistent watering is key to developing the large, luscious fruits this variety is known for. Gardeners value the Aussie Tomato not only for its size and taste but also for its relative ease of growth and ability to produce a bountiful harvest, making it a rewarding choice for both novice and experienced tomato enthusiasts.

Tomatoes are in limited supply and subject to weather and growing conditions. Individual plants may vary in size from variety description. Seedlings are in limited supply and variety availability may vary.

Type: Beefsteak
Class: Heirloom
Category: Indeterminate
Day Count: 80

Learn & Grow + Tomatomania

New in-store pickup process for online orders only:
* This year you will be able to hand select your own tomatoes that we individually separate for all online orders
* There will no longer be an in-store pickup fee for your online tomato orders
* Pickup tomatoes here on your scheduled date

* Due to the uncontrollable nature of growing plants, some varieties will not make the grade. We will do our best to fulfill your complete order. We will also automatically refund you for any tomatoes or peppers that are not available.

* Individual plants may vary in size from the variety description. Seedlings are in limited supply and variety availability may vary.

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