Sweetie Seedless - 4" Pot
Sweetie Seedless - 4" Pot
How to get your product
The Sweetie Seedless Tomato is a delightful and convenient tomato variety loved for its small size and seedless nature. These cherry-sized tomatoes are perfect for snacking, salads, and adding bursts of flavor to various dishes. They are characterized by their bright red hue and plump, juicy texture. What sets them apart is their seedless interior, making them hassle-free to eat without the need to remove seeds.
These tomatoes are known for their exceptional sweetness and mild acidity, making them a favorite among those who prefer a sweeter tomato flavor. They are easy to grow in home gardens and containers, thriving in sunny locations with well-drained soil. Sweetie Seedless Tomatoes offer a delightful pop of flavor and freshness, making them a popular choice for both gardeners and culinary enthusiasts seeking a tasty addition to their meals.
Class: Hybrid
Category: Indeterminate
Day Count: 70
New in-store pickup process for online orders only:
* This year you will be able to hand select your own tomatoes that we individually separate for all online orders
* There will no longer be an in-store pickup fee for your online tomato orders
* Pickup tomatoes here on your scheduled date
* Due to the uncontrollable nature of growing plants, some varieties will not make the grade. We will do our best to fulfill your complete order. We will also automatically refund you for any tomatoes or peppers that are not available.
* Individual plants may vary in size from the variety description. Seedlings are in limited supply and variety availability may vary.